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Image by Oleksandr Sushko

Wholistic Elements

Are you ready to water your wholeness?

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Blurry Forest
White Sand and Stone

Wholistic Elements 

Wellness Consulting and Spiritual Guidance 

We are bringers of Vitality, Purity, and Grace of Heart, Mind, and Spirit. We remember together our Divine DNA. We are grounded in our inheritance of Light and  Unconditional Love. We choose to be stewards to each other while nurturing our Waters and Land. Through embodying our Wholeness we embrace humanity in love and forgiveness. We honor Natural Law by standing in our responsibility to our Health, Prosperity, and Vitality. Self Mastery is key through each of our own individual creative paths of Wholistic Elements. We choose our Highest Quality of Life anchored into our Heart Centered Service to All. 

Blessings and Love,

Rachel Murell
Elemental Guardian 


Our Guidance encompasses:

Yoga, Meditation, Conscious Language, Ionized Water, Organic Super Foods, John F. Barnes Myofascial Release, Aroma Therapy, Nutrition Coaching, Breathwork Practices, Nature Connection, Cultural Immersion Retreats, Inner Child Play, Self Awareness Techniques, and Reflexology

During our Wholistic Elements journey together we discover  support systems to encourage our Wholeness and personal Integrity. Wholeness is always who we are and always accessible through our collective harmony as Divine Beings. Our Wholistic Methods operate with your unique blueprint of Wellness. When you schedule your Wholistic Consultation, we build together our plan for your Thriving experience in Life. We meet you where you're at, and move with grace and ease through your personal Wholistic Methods. 

Image by Saradhi Photography

Our Offerings 

"We believe in Co-creating our Prosperity and Vitality with our ComUnity." 

White Sand and Stone

Wholistic Hydration

Learn all the ways to Water ourselves Whole. 

Image by Giulia May


Hi! I'm Rachel, nurturer of Wholistic Elements. I believe in forming intimacy with all layers of our being here on Earth as we thrive in the richness of our human experience. When we walk our unique paths together, we cultivate Our Wholistic Elements Journey.




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